Beauty/Appearance Medicine

Fibroblast Skin Tightening or Plasma Pen

Fibroblast Skin Tightening - Plasma PenThe Fibroblast Skin Tightening or Plasma Pen treatment is a relatively new and popular treatment done by Aestheticians and Medical professionals that can take the place of some laser treatments and deeper chemical peels. 

This device delivers energy in the form of plasma to rejuvenate skin. The plasma, which is a gas made up of positively charged ions from the air, heats and disrupts all the way down to the dermal layer of the skin to create micro-trauma to the tissue.  The surface of the skin is lightly ablated (removed) and tiny scabs form, which close the tissue and thereby protect it from infection or other risks.  This process has been shown to improve facial lines, wrinkles, skin pigmentation, glycation and the loss of elasticity associated with sun damage and ageing.

This treatment is not for everyone and your skin care professional will go over all of the contraindications and possible side effects to determine if this advanced treatment is the correct choice for you.  Because of the micro-trauma created in the skin, the stem cell released molecules in the NeoGenesis products provide an approach to healing called “systems therapeutics”. We simply return to the damaged tissue the molecules that were present when the tissue was healthy. Molecules such as Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Urea and Collagen make up the skin, and are also responsible for healing and maintaining the new healthy tissue.

Preparing for a Plasma Pen Treatment

If you and your skin care professional decide this treatment is right for you, it is very important to prepare the skin at least a month in advance.  As is the case for every skin procedure, the healthier the skin is going into the treatment, the better the results and the less risk involved.

A month before the treatment, start a home protocol of the NeoGenesis Cleanser, Recovery serum and Barrier Renewal Cream.  Repeat this simple protocol twice a day, morning and evening, to prepare the skin.

Caring for the Skin after the Plasma Pen Treatment

After the Plasma Pen treatment, your skin care professional will have specific instructions for you to follow.  NeoGenesis Cleanser, Recovery, and Moisturizing Mist are excellent products to support skin healing and should be used twice daily, along with any other recommendations, until all of the tiny scabs have fallen off.  Once the scabs are gone, you may resume a more normal twice daily protocol. NeoGenesis Cleanser, followed by Recovery or a maintenance serum of Booster or Skin Serum, then add in the Barrier Renewal Cream for complete skin rejuvenation and barrier repair.

All of the NeoGenesis skin care products are extremely safe, over the counter products that have a 100% money back guarantee.  Our products will provide the skin with what it needs to remain radiant and youthful throughout your life.



“I ordered NeoGenesis Recovery because I had a Plasma treatment done on my eyes. This product was recommended as an after-care and I love the way the texture and formula hydrates my eyes.” ~ RO – Art of Skin Care

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

“I used this Recovery serum after a nitrogen plasma treatment. I healed quickly and any treatment markings cleared rapidly. Although it is pricey, I highly recommend for all post-recovery from lasers, plasma pen or micro-needling.” ~ CR – Art of Skin Care

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Before & After - Fibroblast“Using NeoGenesis Recovery serum allows the skin to heal much faster after a Fibroblast procedure. Because it is important for the skin to dry-heal after Fibroblast, Recovery is the only product I allow my clients to use on their skin post procedure.” ~ GG Skin Therapy

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery


